25 March 2012

I've got a theory

Dear members of Fightclub, friends and allies! Lately our raids have been disastrous, to say the least, and I think I finally figured out why it's like that. The problems start with the most basic things that a member of Fightclub should know...

Less cookies, more crowd control and cooperation? Yeaaaaah, I don't think anyone's going to give their share of cookies up for successful raids.


  1. Form, which raid is it? the group I am in have found that a mix of cc is working best. LM,Burg and Hunter for things in orthanc t2

  2. Meh, I'd rather have 2 burgs instead of a burg and a hunter for CC, but yeah, that works too. In fact, that's what we normally have... but I can't remember what went wrong when I drew that comic, lol.

  3. We won because of this comic.

  4. hahah so jealous yall got to hear sato sing

  5. Not only did we hear Sato sing, we also heard Moose's opera version of the cookie song. Both performances were simply amazing.
