09 November 2011


There are a few people that always speak of being so very loyal to their kins, including Fightclub. "OMG guys, I'd never abandon you! For me you're always the best!"
I remember a champion from Of The Relic that said exactly the same thing about their kin and told me that they hate people that leave their old groups to join other ones that run cool instances more often*... but now that champion is somewhere else. Leaving for greener pastures is evil, /rolleyes.

For me being loyal to your kinship means staying there even when there's just three of you and your kinmates are obviously trying to make you feel miserable, e.g. the huntburg** calls you a noob every day and the warden always tells you that your class sucks...

* You don't need 800 people to run OD! It only takes 12, nowadays even less! I've always been in very small kinships and I still have the right to hang out on the outskirts of the raiding community of Crickhollow. Hey, I've been in server firsts too... 

** Enjoy your purple robe, creator of "rinoviits". I didn't draw the flames on your cloak this time to make it look even better!


  1. I wonder who is in the hole.

  2. That hole is deep enough to fit a whole kinship in it. Trust me, I am the one that drew it.

  3. wow purple really does make my eyes pop... wait a sec is that my bow in the hole?? not cool
