02 January 2012

Raiding: expectations vs reality

Lately some people from my kin have been receiving a lot of tells from our distant friends and acquaintances (in some cases strangers too, afaik) that suddenly want to befriend us, raid with us and have our babies join our kin. I guess I can understand that. After all we're actively raiding again.

However, I don't think most of the server knows what we're really up to...

This is how a lot of people imagine our raids:

... and this is what we really do when we're raiding:

True story, real experiences, things that happened to us, all true.


  1. pfft i dont ask for rezzes when my face is stuck under a rock. i take it like a man.

  2. I have such an urge to post this on LOTRO General Forums.

  3. The problem is Erl not being in the 2nd one, right?
    Can has cooky now :D ?

  4. Yeah Im only fictionaly and exist in ideal reality. Makes sense! =D

  5. Ofc Moose, you always take your silly deaths like a man. lol.

    Erl, you can do that if you wish. I far too shy to post this link on the forums, hah!

    Thorf, you can has cooky now, yes.

  6. So Awesome!

    You should sign up your blog at the Lotro Combo Blog (http://combo.mmeow.net/) so more people can see the wonderful artwork of yours

    //Vroom of Eldar

    PS, love the one-shotted Warden expected to BPE everything!

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