05 January 2012

And now for something completely different

No, of course I didn't finish a new comic yet. I've been too busy with... other stuff.
Protip: click on the pictures to see them in their full glory.

Apparently I've spent some time in the kitchen. Ginger cookies, anyone?


  1. Obviously you were playing while cooking. Don't think you can hide all the burnt cookies under the icing! =D

    On another note, I made a fair amount of moose (is that the plural form too? I think it is, right?) as well. And lots of jumping men. And a balrog. But I ate them all. ^_^

  2. ... I must admit I did burn a few of them. Cuuuuurse yooooou, LotRO!

  3. i get that a lot. i am pretty delicious. btw erl the second half of this educational video should clarify the plural form of moose. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWwhfG6CL8Q

  4. Moose gets a cookie but i don't?

    We are no longer friends.

  5. Oh noes!
    I could try to make a cookie for you too. I'm just not quite sure what it should be. A warden shield? lol.

  6. make 5 cookies for ward, in the shape of U, 5, F, T, and of course W.

  7. Whaaaat?
    "You 5 ft Ward"? (seems highly unlikely, no matter how you're looking at it) "Update 5 ****ed the wardens"? (not true, that would've been RoI) ... something for the win?

    Moose, I don't think I get it, lol.

  8. ...update...5...for...the...win...rinoviits.

  9. Well! I *almost* got it then.
