10 December 2011


Oh snap! Someone left a couple of comments on my blog and tried to insult me (examples: #1#2)!! Never before has anyone used such words to describe me... and frankly, I am amazed. The lack of creativity displayed in those insults saddens me.

It did make me think about the way I talk about some kinships, though. So here is a disclaimer: I do not hate any kinships on our server. However, I dislike several people in quite a few kins. Still, when I say "ololol, they're noobs/elitist jerks and they suck", I don't mean it seriously enough to even remember it 2 hours later.

Dear random anonymous person, I wish you were at least brave enough to say who you are. Feel free to roll an alt and send me a tell to talk about your issues, as I can't really remember saying anything about Gur Galad. I don't even know anyone from GG... /confused

FotC has already written a song about everything that I'd like to say, so I'm just going to post this and dedicate it to the people that think I hate them or their kin.

For my normal readers: honestly, I'll try to finish a picture tonight. Seriously!


  1. You're not the only one, who is amazed.
    He/she is probably like.. 12 years old?

  2. form is not a cunt, anon girl. she is a bnoob. astronomically big difference.

  3. Screw the haters, Form! We shall strike them down! Aga ausalt, mul on kuri kahtlus, et see GG asi oli sinna ainult petukaks pandud (kuigi vb mulle hakkab mu kini paranoilisus pähe). Ma katsun välja urgitseda midagi, sest kui ma ütlen, et ma kahtlustan, kustpoolt tuul puhub, siis sa ilmselt jagad pärast ühte foorumiteemat ise ka matsu ära. See tüüp on muidugi suht tainas lollpea ka. :)

  4. Aa, ja muide Corey Vidal on sellest loost palju ägedama video teinud, tšeki juutuubist. (mul saab aku kohe tühjaks, ei jõua ise =DD)

  5. lol, you and your jokes, Moose. /sigh /slap

    Erl, ma näen ise ka, et midagi on veidi valesti, sest ma ausalt öeldes ei oska eriti kedagi täpsemalt süüdistama ka hakata.

  6. Vähemalt saad sa elada. Minul kästi surra. :D
