The other day I had a rather bizarre dream. I woke up with
a terrible song stuck in my head and all I could think was "wait, whaaaaat?"
Now, it would have been very difficult to just draw a comic about my weird dream, so I decided to add a few explanations. They're not that good but writing fancy commentary would take forever and I've wasted enough of my time on drawing cars and spruces.
Right. Well, the beginning wasn't weird at all. I was picking flowers on a random meadow (I'm not quite sure where exactly it was but I assume it was somewhere in Estonia) and generally feeling good about everything. Can't really feel depressed on such a nice summer day.
At some point a bright red car appeared out of nowhere. It seemed a little suspicious, since normally people have to actually drive their cars to get somewhere. But these 2 guys seemed to have teleported there! That's not very normal... in fact, it's not even close to what I consider normal.
So I stood there and stared at the two men that got out of the car and started walking towards me. I had never seen their faces before but when they started talking, I recognised their voices and realised that Moose and Godless had somehow come to visit me. "Oh fearless leader," they said, "we come bearing gifts!"
Of course, I couldn't come up with anything appropriate to say, so I just stood there and looked stupid while they put a shiny golden crown on my head.
It would have been wise to tell them to gtfo and leave me be but they invited me along. So I shrugged and accepted the invite because getting into a car owned by two men that I had never seen before was obviously the most reasonable choice.
At first everything seemed fine but then one of them turned the radio on and started singing along.
The rest of our journey to ??? (I can't really remember where we were going) wasn't very eventful. I kind of just sat there and tried to pretend that our situation wasn't weird at all. But it looked very nice!
I just can't help but wonder what kind of a car they were using...